
Word Sketches — Images created with words

Have you ever tried to draw an image of something in your head using colored pencils, crayons, or watercolors? You must understand then the effort, creativity, and courage necessary to bring those images to the paper. I hope the words I sketch here will help you see the images I am creating for you. Even better, you may be inspired to create word sketches of your own!

On Choosing a Book Cover for My New Book
Nylda Dieppa Nylda Dieppa

On Choosing a Book Cover for My New Book

“Finding composure and acting with clarity and resolve, right in the midst of your fears, is a form of generosity that in Buddhism is sometimes referred to as ‘giving the gift of fearlessness.’”

Marc Lesser, “Do Less, Accomplish More”

I grew up avoiding confrontation because my dad’s doctor had said that he was prone to have a heart attack and drop dead at any time. My mother reminded us of that danger whenever my brothers had a typical boy’s brawl, which was too often for my comfort. I strove to be obedient. . . and not cause a disgusto or aggravation to my beloved dad. . .

I wrestled with these old, anxious feelings when deciding what the cover of my new book should look like. As the title says, Alborada, A Cross-Cultural Memoir in Poetry, is a collection of poems narrating my life experiences. It takes a lot of courage to expose one’s life and character to an unknown audience. I wanted people to begin to discover who I am before they even opened the book.

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